
Articles about general usage of FontAgent 7.

How do I import fonts into a set?
Importing Fonts into a New Set To import fonts into a new set, either: Use the File > Import Fonts menu command (Command+G) to select a folder or...
Thu, 9 Feb, 2017 at 3:32 PM
What's new in FontAgent 7?
FontAgent includes a wide spectrum of new features and functionality. Viewing, Selecting and Activating Your Fonts The Table View includes detailed ...
Thu, 9 Feb, 2017 at 3:34 PM
What happened to libraries in FontAgent 7?
FontAgent Cloud and FontAgent 7 eliminate the need for font libraries used in earlier versions of FontAgent. FontAgent uses over thirty different pieces...
Thu, 9 Feb, 2017 at 3:38 PM
How do I import fonts into FontAgent 7?
When you add fonts to your FontAgentĀ® database, it verifies the integrity of the fonts and organizes them in a centralized databaseā€”so you can search, vie...
Thu, 9 Feb, 2017 at 3:52 PM