Upgrade FontAgent 7 to FontAgent 9

To upgrade and migrate your data from FontAgent 7 to FontAgent 9, you'll need to install and open (at least once) FontAgent 8. However, there is no need to purchase FontAgent 8.

  1. Quit FontAgent 7.
  2. Click this link to download FontAgent 8: https://store.insidersoftware.com/_downloads/FontAgent8.dmg
  3. Install FontAgent 8 and open it.
  4. It will ask you if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 7 data to FontAgent 8. Select the Convert button.
  5. Quit FontAgent 8 (again, there is no need to purchase and register FontAgent 8 if you're upgrading from FontAgent 7).
  6. Click this link to download FontAgent 9: https://store.insidersoftware.com/_downloads/FontAgent9.dmg
  7. Install and open FontAgent 9.
  8. It will ask you if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 8 data to FontAgent 9. Select the Convert button.
  9. You can now uninstall FontAgent 7 and FontAgent 8 by running the Uninstaller application, which is located in /Applications/FontAgent 9/Uninstaller.app
  10. Make sure you select only the "Applications/FontAgent 7" and "Applications/FontAgent 8" check boxes. Then select the Uninstall button.


If FontAgent 8 does not ask if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 7 data to FontAgent 8, please do the following:

  1. Quit FontAgent 8.
  2. On your keyboard, hold the Option key down while selecting from the Finder's menu bar, Go > Library. You can then let go of the Option key.
  3. Open the Application Support/FontAgent/v8 folder.
  4. Move the "converted.plist" file to the Trash.
  5. Open FontAgent 8. It should ask if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 7 data now.

If FontAgent 9 does not ask if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 8 data to FontAgent 9, please do the following:

  1. Quit FontAgent 9.
  2. On your keyboard, hold the Option key down while selecting from the Finder's menu bar, Go > Library. You can then let go of the Option key.
  3. Open the Application Support/FontAgent/v9 folder.
  4. Move the "converted.plist" file to the Trash.
  5. Open FontAgent 9. It should ask if you'd like to convert your FontAgent 8 data now.