If you get an error message that says We could not reach FontAgent Server on host: 'fontagentserver.on-your-custom-domain.com' when you try to register FontAgent or synchronize with FontAgent CloudServer or FontAgent Server you should do the following to fix the issue:

FontAgent 8 Standard, FontAgent Sync, or FontAgent CloudServer users

  1. Open FontAgent.
  2. From the menu bar, select FontAgent > Purchase/Register.
  3. Select the Advanced button.
  4. Change the option to Use Insider CloudServer, then close the window by selecting the OK button.
  5. Verify that your email address and password are entered, then select the Register button.

FontAgent 8 Enterprise Server users

  1. Open FontAgent.
  2. From the menu bar, select FontAgent > Purchase/Register.
  3. Select the Advanced button.
  4. Enter your FontAgent Enterprise Server's IP address or Host name into the Server text field, then select the OK button.
  5. Verify that your email address and password are entered, then select the Register button.