Setting up Azure for FontAgent Server/CloudServer

These instructions assume that you've already created and setup a Microsoft Azure account and an Azure Active Directory service with users and groups added to the directory. 

1. After logging into Microsoft Azure, from the left side select the Azure Active Directory

2. From the Manage section, select the App registrations

3. Select the New application registration button. 

4. In the Create section, enter the information for: 

a. Name - This can be whatever you'd like (recommendation: FontAgentServer) 

b. Application type - select Web app / API 

c. Sign-on URL - 

5. Copy the Application ID string. It should be a long string of numbers and letters. You'll need it later. 

6. Select the Settings button. 

7. In the Settings window, select the Keys item. 

8. Under the Passwords section, enter a key description in the Key description field (recommendation: FontAgentServerKey) 

9. Select an expiration duration

10. Press the Save button. You should then see a key in the Values column. Copy the key value; you'll need it later. 

11. From the left side, select the Azure Active Directory service. 

12. Then select the Manage section, select the App registrations item. 

13. Select the Endpoints button. 

14. From the list of endpoints, select and copy the last part of the Microsoft Azure AD Graph API Endpoint item, beginning after the It should be a long string of numbers and letters with hyphens. You'll need this later as well.

15. Close the endpoints window and select the FontAgent Server app. If you don't see it, make sure to click the "View all applications" button.

16. Select the Settings button.

17. Select the Required permissions item, then select the "Windows Azure Active Directory" item.

18. In the Required Permissions window, there are two sections: Application Permissions and Delegate Permissions.

19. From the Application Permissions section, enable the Read directory data button.

20. From the Delegate Permissions section, enable the Sign in and read user profile button.

21. Though you enabled some permissions, you must apply the permissions. To do that, select the "Grant Permissions" button in the previous column called Required permissions.


You should now have three pieces of required information: 

  • Application ID 
  • Key 
  • Endpoint 

To enter these three items into FontAgent CloudServer, follow the instructions below. 

Connecting FontAgent Cloud Server to Azure

1. Log into the FontAgent CloudServer as an admin user. The URL is 

2. Select the Directories button in the left column. 

3. In the upper-right corner, select the Menu button, then Add a Directory This will take you to the Add Directory window. 

4. Select the Azure AD radio button. 

5. Leave the Authority item as 

6. Enter any name you'd like for the Display Name (recommendation: AzureAD) 

7. The Tenant ID item should be the Endpoint from Azure. 

8. The ClientID ID is the Application ID from Azure. You saved this information in step five of setting up Azure for FontAgent CloudServer. 

9. The Client Secret is the Key from Azure. 

10. Press the save button, then press the Fetch From Directory button.  

The users and groups from your Microsoft Azure account should now appear in the FontAgent Server/CloudServer interface.

For more information or assistance, please contact support at: