Using Adobe and Other Subscription Fonts

Adobe and other font vendors give you the option of licensing their fonts through subscription services. Some of these services make the fonts available in standard file system locations, some in proprietary locations and others in hidden locations. Each of these services has its own font activation software that runs independent of Windows and FontAgent. FontAgent is designed to work with these external services.

Adobe Fonts

Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit) is a subscription font service that FontAgent automatically displays in the Sets Sidebar. You can activate and deactivate fonts in the Adobe service from within FontAgent or using the Adobe Fonts application in Creative Cloud.

Other Subscription Services

FontAgent is also compatible with other subscription services that store their fonts in standard Windows font file locations. Those fonts should appear in the System Fonts and/or All Fonts sets in the Sets Sidebar. You can preview and manage them like other fonts in your FontAgent catalog.


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